I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter. The Wilson Family had a great one. My brother came up from Salt Lake and we spend all weekend together. Lee and Jon went golfing, Lee was so excited he had been waiting for the snow to melt. We ate so much food over the weekend. Sunday we had the Hansen Family egg hunt, Kate was not to fast at gathering the eggs but I helped her and I also helped her eat the candy!! I love my family, I am so greatful that I am so close with my cousins, aunts and uncles, and that we get together often. Here are some pictures:

Kate in her new Easter dress with her basket and eggs

My cousin Amie, her baby Kennlyn, Kate and I. I love that Amie and I are the same age and grew up together and now we both have girls that can play together also.

They both are just so adorable. They are just 6 weeks apart.

(Kate experiencing her first popcicle, LOVED IT)
Not only was Sunday Easter but it was Kates 6 month mark. It blows my mind that she is that old and she is so big. Where does the time go. She is now sitting up like a champ, rolling over, slobbering up a storm, and melting our hearts every day. She is a good eater and a great sleeper. We are so greatful for her and thank our Father in Heaven every day for her. We love our little Monkey!!