Little Miss Kate is now 1!!! Can you believe it? This has been the best year of our lives. She brings us so much joy, we really feel so blessed to have this little girl in our family. Here is the One year update: She is 20 pounds and 31.5 inches long, ( still in the 98% just how we like it). She is walking like crazy, she loves all food~especially treats-aka- num nums. She loves emptying all drawers/baskets, unrolling the toilet paper, being the center of attention, playing peekaboo and she loves reading. And she is obsessed with HORSES, it was the 3rd word she said. She is so stinking funny. I love playing with her all day. She is my little buddy.

Kate had a huge birthday weekend. On Sunday we had a party with 35 of our wonderful family members. Here is Kate with her cousins, playing with the Busy Ball Popper( huge hit)

This was one of her favorites, She could have stayed on this horse all night. Look at the sheer joy on that face!!!

We had to have a lady bug cake for our cute little Katie Bug~

What a sweety, sharing her cake with us.

She devoured the cake. I love the frosting in her bangs

My cute little family~

On Monday we had some friends over, yep that's right Kate had her first boy/girl party. Kate with her buddys, Thad and Kaitlyn.

Kate with all of her new toys. Man she hit the jackpot

This picture sums up the birthday festivities. She Loved It!!!!

Since I am horrible at updating we will just make this one gigantic post.
Bath time= Fun for Kate and Mom. Check out this hair. Sexy huh?

We took her to her first football game and she loved it. She would clap anytime the crowd cheered. Future Aggie~ Go Aggies!!!!

Here is the update on the house. We finally moved in the beginning of September. WE LOVE IT!! I will take some pictures some time when the house is semi clean.
Kate sure does love her new house, take a look at the smile on that face.

Thanks for enduring through this mass of a post. Hope you have a Happy Halloween. I know we will.