Oh my, where has the time gone? I know I have been a slacker when my dad says that I need to update my blog. So here is the update on the Wilson Fam. Lee is staying busy as always just work, work, work. We loved the holidays and the time off. It was awesome to just hang out as a family. There were a few days when we didn't leave the house at all. LOVED IT!!! I loved the Christmas season but I am sure glad to have my house back and not have to worry about Kate taking the ornaments off the tree. We had a great holiday season. Lots of family and friends and time off of work. Here are a few pictures because lets be honest people really only like to look at pictures, right?
Kate loving her Thanksgiving Turkey
At the Hansen Family Christmas party, And no Kate does not smile for most, if any, pictures.
Listening to Great Grandpa Hansen tell the Christmas story.

I hope that you all had a great holiday season. And a Happy New Year!!!