I know, what am I doing updating my blog? It has only been a short 8 months since I have posted something. So hold on tight, you are in for a ride though Wilsonville.
~Lots of parades and candy
~Bear Lake with cousins
~Biggest part of the summer was spent putting in our sprinkling system and planting our lawn. Lee and I did it all ourselves and are so proud of what we accomplished.
~Next big accomplishment, I ran the Top of Utah Half Marathon with my dad. Loved it. Finished in 2:09. Hope to do it again next year.
~Kate got a kittin for her Birthday, She loved it. It later ran away. (Darn:)
~And our little Kate bug turned 2 in October. Man we sure love her.
~Took a trip to Hogle Zoo
Supported our Aggie Football, even in the pouring rain
~And of course Halloween. Little Minnie Mouse
~Kate rocking this seasons newest fashion. 
So we have had a busy summer and fall, but are loved every second of it. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. And while I'm at it I might as well just wish you a Merry Christmas because who knows when I will update this blog again. Thanks for visiting!!!
Man, a lot has happened over the last few months, so here we go.
~The last thing that I left you with was that our little monkey broke her arm, after 6 long, smelly weeks the cast came off and Kate was good as new.
~Lee turned 30 this year and had a great birthday. We really enjoy birthdays in our family.
~Lee and I ran our first race together. The Smithfield 5K, and had a blast.
~ I had an awesome 25th birthday this summer and my freaking fantastic husband got me a much needed new camera,(that is why there are no pics for the first few things, but here come the pics.)
~We had a great summer filled with lots of friends
~Spending time with family
~A Summer is not complete without a visit to the Cache County Fair~