I know, what am I doing updating my blog? It has only been a short 8 months since I have posted something. So hold on tight, you are in for a ride though Wilsonville.
~Lots of parades and candy
~Bear Lake with cousins
~Biggest part of the summer was spent putting in our sprinkling system and planting our lawn. Lee and I did it all ourselves and are so proud of what we accomplished.
~Next big accomplishment, I ran the Top of Utah Half Marathon with my dad. Loved it. Finished in 2:09. Hope to do it again next year.
~Kate got a kittin for her Birthday, She loved it. It later ran away. (Darn:)
~And our little Kate bug turned 2 in October. Man we sure love her.
~Took a trip to Hogle Zoo
Supported our Aggie Football, even in the pouring rain
~And of course Halloween. Little Minnie Mouse
~Kate rocking this seasons newest fashion. 
So we have had a busy summer and fall, but are loved every second of it. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. And while I'm at it I might as well just wish you a Merry Christmas because who knows when I will update this blog again. Thanks for visiting!!!
Man, a lot has happened over the last few months, so here we go.
~The last thing that I left you with was that our little monkey broke her arm, after 6 long, smelly weeks the cast came off and Kate was good as new.
~Lee turned 30 this year and had a great birthday. We really enjoy birthdays in our family.
~Lee and I ran our first race together. The Smithfield 5K, and had a blast.
~ I had an awesome 25th birthday this summer and my freaking fantastic husband got me a much needed new camera,(that is why there are no pics for the first few things, but here come the pics.)
~We had a great summer filled with lots of friends
~Spending time with family
~A Summer is not complete without a visit to the Cache County Fair~

Yay you finally posted! I think you guys are a lot more exciting than we are. Spencer was probably trying to take a toy away from Kate in the first picture, sorry he wasn't the best birthday party guest.
Super cute and lots of fun!!! Lots of good memories of Cache Valley, thanks for the reminders. Have an awesome winter!!!
haa haa haa, you are just too darn cute and way funny! you better come back and update this blog again....OR OR OR...I will cry! LOVED all of the pictures. Looks like you had a fun summer and fall. You guys are just too cute. Love you!
Woo hoo! I'm so excited to read a post and see some cute pics! You guys are so adorable!
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