So to meet one my new years resolutions (the dreaded weightloss) I bought "The Biggest Loser; Bobs boot camp." Lee and I are big fans of the show. We enjoy watching it while we sit on our butts and eat doughnuts and ice cream. Any who I love trainer Bob Harper, so that is why I got the workout video. Now that I have Kate it is much harder for me to make it to the gym, i figured that I could workout at home and still be with her. Well this little video is quite the workout. It works everything. I am glad that I do it in the privacy of my own home, because I look extremely nappy by the end of the video. The way the workout is set up. You do one workout for 2 weeks then add a second section for 2 more weeks, then add a third section for the last 2 weeks. I just started the second section and boy oh boy is it a butt kicker. I like it because it works my problem areas, also because it is not a long workout, about 45 minutes for a total body workout. If you are in need of a butt whooping get this video, only $10.00 at walmart.
~this kind of sounds like an infomercial. Sorry~