Friday, January 9, 2009

Blessing day

On Sunday Kate was blessed. Lee gave her a beautiful blessing and she didn't make a peep! We had a lot of family come to support us and we are so thankful for all of you that came. WE LOVE YOU!!! After, we had lunch at the Alumni House on campus. We loved seeing our family and spending time with them. It was a very special day. I am so grateful for Lee and that he was able to give our daughter a special blessing. He is a wonderful husband and the cutest dad. Here are some photos of the day.
My two favorite people!
Kate and her two grandmas

Great Grandma Potter, Grandma Potter, Me and Kate4 Generations, Kate was kind of tired of taking pictures


Liz said...

She looks so pretty! I love her dress.

Unknown said...

okay Kate is super cute, I know I say that every time but really I mean it! second you..... you are soo beautiful, you like skinning and just great! congrats on the big day!

~Jake, Brianna, Jocelyn, and Carter~ said...

She is SUCH A BEAUTIFUL BABY! I can't get over it. It looks like the blessing day was a success! And yes, we need to get together again soon. We still have Clifford! Last time we every borrow a movie . . . :)

Chris, Elyse & Kaitlyn Harris said...

She is just so beautiful!!! I can't believe how fast they grow! Kaitlyn is already 7 1/2 weeks!! REALLY NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO GOING BACK TO WORK! no offence lee! :)