This has been on my mind a lot lately, especially after watching conference. Now that I am a full time stay at home mom I am feeling a little bit of pressure to be the perfect little homemaker, and I am a hard time finding the time to fit it all in, and trying to decide what is THE GOOD, THE BETTER AND THE BEST. There are 3 main talks from this and past conferences that have really been sticking in my mind lately. The first is President Uchtdorfs talk from the Relief Society broadcast. What an inspired man, he honestly was talking straight to me and I am sure every women felt the same way. I loved when he talked about making sacrifices, it is a worthy sacrifice to stay awake with a sick child, it is not a good sacrifice to stay up late and make hair accessories for your daughters Sunday dress. To find the best things and spend your time doing those things. The forget-me-nots, what a great way to help us remember the important things in life, like that God loves us.
The second talk was by M. Russell Ballard in April 2008 conference talking to young mothers. He said that motherhood is the most important calling on earth (talk about pressure). He talks about living in the moment, enjoying and teaching your children while they are in your home. Not worrying about the dirty windows and getting on the floor and playing with your kids. Also taking time to enhance your own life, taking a class, learning something new that will make you a better person.
The last talk is called Good, Better, Best by Dallin H. Oaks given in 2007. He mentions the story of Mary and Martha, I am totally a Martha. ~ If Jesus were to come to dinner at my house I would be worried about a clean house, a perfect dinner and making sure everything was in order. I am sure I would complain that no one was helping and they were all sitting around Jesus' feet listening to him, while I did all the work. What Martha was doing was Good, but it was not the best thing that she could have been doing at the time.
There are so many things that we need to do during the day, but are we doing the best? Sure; scrapbooking, crocheting, making gourmet meals, facebooking and even blogging are all good things. But before we do those things are we making sure to spend quality time with each of our kids, telling them how much we love them, have we read our scriptures before reading facebook newsfeeds, are we magnifying our church callings or just doing the bare minimum? I am asking myself these questions too, I am far from perfect but after watching conference I am striving to be more perfect, not so others will look at my life and think I am perfect but to truly become perfect like my Heavenly Father wants and knows I can be.
Just some thoughts from my crazy brain, I hope these talks help you in your life like they have helped me.